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Jenday XXXVIII: Ah, the Holidays

So, things have been pretty crazy around here.

I just got done doing my annual performance of The Nutcracker with the Stapleton School of Ballet.  And you might find yourself thinking: "Jennifer does ballet? Shocker."  It not really dancing, though: it's just choreographed movement mixed in with some snazzy magic tricks.  It's a lot of fun.  And it pays well.  So yay + yay = hooray.

Then, last night I had an audition for The Greatest Books (Abridged) and I got a call back from the theater today saying that they want me in the show, jthey just haven't decided which part they want to give me.  Now, I think this is pretty sweet.  It's like they're saying I'm so amzaingly versitile that I could fit any role and only when they find somebody less versitile than me will they decide where they need my expertise and skill.  Boo-yah.  So I'll be gettin gready for that.  The show doesn't actually go up until next summer, but it will be nice to get a head-start on the script.

And, of course, there's all this holiday stuff going on: all the family and friends gathering at various times, so much to do and cook and prepare and buys and eat and drink and stuff.  Good times.

The holidays are also a time to visit home...which brings me to my topic for the day.

I have a roommate name Sophia who is from Taiwan.  She left last night to fly home for a month.  Behind her she left a miniature doberman pincher...a NEEDY mini doberman pincher.  A SQUEAKY mini doberman pincher. 

As I have already mentioned, and as I'm sure you already know what with the hectic schedules of your own, that this is a pretty busy time of year.  I work all day and I have things to do in the evening.  Things that become very difficult to do if I am constantly chasing after this psychotic rat that thinks my sofa is just one big chew toy.  So, I put the dog in Sophia's room and close the door.  The dog proceeds to hurl itself at the door.  This is getting on my nerves.  So I put the dog in it's cage  It proceeds to whine and whine and whine until I let it out.  Then it runs around the house, chewing on everything, lifting used tampons out of the bathroom garbage, and being generally fucking annoying.  The cycle repeats itself.

The alternative to this was Sophia giving some guy who thinks he's her boyfriend a key to my house so that he could come hang out with the dog for a couple hours a day and think that Sophia had indentured herself to him for doing so.  Bugger that.  So I agreed to watch over the dog. 

Today is the 10th of December.  Sophia returns on the 15th of January.  I'm really beginning to wonder if the little weasel fodder is going to make it.  I DO know that as an early Christmas present, it's getting a shock collar.

On a final note, this year on December 16th, we will celebrate the anniversary of the death of Gregori Rasputin (according to the Gregorian Calendar).  This means you wear red, drink vodka, and listen to gypsy music.  My friends and I will actually be observing International Rasputin Day on Saturday the 13th, and I invite you all to take part and spread the word of this new and exciting celebration, if not with me, then with your own friends wherever you are.


Happy Jenday!

Posted on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 by Registered CommenterJennifer | CommentsPost a Comment
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