Do you ever feel alone? Think that no one understands why you are laughing at some innocuous comment? Do you have a hard time saying that you're hungry, without finishing that line with "for your piz-za?"

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be suffering from BreakaLeg Bubble Disorder. It is a serious condition where being in the loop of hilarity makes one feel isolated in the community.

Luckily, there is a cure. This bubble CAN be burst.

The answer is a BreakaLegathon.

Step 1. Show your friends/family/roommates/acquaintences/employers/colleagues/etc. the season finale teaser.

Step 2. While they're in awe, stun them with a fact question. For example, "Did you notice they are doing the head-tilty thing?"

Step 3. When your target indicates they have no idea what the head-tilty thing is, express your surprise that they have been missing out on this amazing show and suggest they join you for a Pre-Season-Finale BreakaLegathon!

I am organizing a BaLathon myself for my coworker, with whom I share a brain, but, apparently, not a BaL addiction--yet.

Any BaLathon planning advice is welcome. As for meal-planning, we are intending to eat kosher, in honour of David, and would like to hear from the cast as to what foods Yuri has been feeding you at shoots.

The result of this breakalegulous evening will be submitted to the blog for your critiquing pleasure.

Please note: we reserve the right to substitute beer and/or other beverages with wine.

June 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFemke

Bagel dogs.

It's in my contract.

June 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDuane

Generally there are tortilla chips, salsa, Pringles, carrots, humus, bagels, cream cheese, and garbage bags (no joke) full of bread

June 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

My two friends and I are throwing a Break a Leg indoor picnic. With pizza, Break a Leg episodes, and the Mint Condition CD I just bought from Good Will this weekend on a trip to DC.


So, the Other Liz, would you say that you are hungry? ...for the piz-za?

Oh god. It never gets old, does it? DOES IT?

Anyone else have BaLathon-esque plans that I could fuse into my own?

June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFemke

No, Femke, it never gets old.