Boards > Season Finale Predictions

Alright Swamblers, we've all seen the trailer. Let us discuss, shall we?

First of all, they're in some sort of "Wild West" environment. I have no idea what this means. Perhaps a return to the days of Swambling? There seems to be some big battle brewing, between CAG and...well...everyone else. Since (as far as we know) this western environment isn't the home-base of CAG, we don't really know why they're there. All I can say, is that Chase looks pretty at home with his environment...

There also seems to be some "bigger" meaning to this episode. Some implied destiny talk with the person with the pen in a dark room (Andy, or just someone in the dark?) and the First Prophesy of the Hollywood Hills. What could that be? Who is the king that is crowned, and seen from a distance in two wide shots? And why must Francesca "Mime 4 a Di[me]?"

Most importantly, who is it that dies? The way the trailer goes, it is implied that the person at the gas station is the one who dies. So who is it under that sheet? Why is he/she wearing a hat? Cast your votes now!

Please feel free to speculate about any part of the trailer, not just what I mentioned.

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

Alright, Kevin, I'm game!

According to growly-voice-over-man, we have returned to a place where cowboys swing. We're definitely in Swambler country. But why? Jimmy wants to revolt against Adult-Sized Gary (F) Coleman. He will have a new king (CAG leader? I bet it'll be a relative of Jennifer's) as bait, which is why the king is tied up in that wide shot.

"He writes a new life for a king." David does something to honour the king. It's the king that dies, by accident, although it can't be Larry because he's still standing when the hatch is closed on the bodybag. The sheeted person is the killer? But the king is tied up, apparently by Jimmy, and...

Chase. Chase is not going to make it.

Gut feeling. I'll stick by it.

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFemke

I can't wait!

I have the same feeling about Chase, Femke.
I don't want to say I hope I'm wrong because it seems awfully fitting. Maybe we'll see another Arrested Development move where the old racist lady only in one episode dies when she chokes on a chicken bone, but that might be getting my hopes up.

So, I'll pose this question to all of you who claim to be fans of the show:

Who do you WANT to die?

Hmm HMM? There's got to be at least one person who your mind goes to. And my extensive studies of the subconscious have taught me that the mind wanders to the most appealing scenario first. So, who is it? Dish.

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSt. Anna Swambler

Hello. I'm too lazy to read what you have written. My eyes are a bit glassy. I think I might sneeze. I was thinking about having an ice cream sandwich but had one of those DREAMY chocolate covered bananas instead. They are a bit too phallic for my step-dad. He laughs when he sees them.

Anyways. I love Chase. I love Chase lots. I love Chase lots more. I love Chase lots more than. I love Chase lots more than I. I love Chase lots more than I love. I love Chase lots more than I love Anna.

Here's my analysis of the trailer:

- David overlooking San Francisco. The world just got bigger than a TV show. Also, f'in' excellent shot and composition.
- "At the place where cowboys swing..." < --- Chase's voice?
- Swambler territory. I'm thinking that Swamblers started the prophecy.
- Chase taking off his glasses. Troops are being rallied. People are clearly not ready for this type of situation.
- David and The King (it's not Jimmy) at a Coronation. I see no reason for David to be at The King's side otherwise.
- The leaders: Mint, Jimmy, David, ANNE CINNEMON? Not Anne. Not Felicia Day. Can't place the body.
- China Town's CAG seems to be in this fight.
- David and The Pen. I've been saying it forever: David is the chosen one. His last name is PEN.
- The Coronation again. David seems to have stepped into his role in the prophecy.
- Chase is at the trunk closing. Relation to the dead person?
- Francesca is their Wild Card.
- Jimmy zips up a tent. Something is not supposed to be heard/seen.
- Plunger Kid is my favorite.
- Brown hair but not Anne Cinnemon. Hm. Her face is still obscured. Well edited, Clerks. Well edited.
- I can almost make out who it is in the closer shots. Kerri.... Russel?.... I've narrowed it down to David's Ex, Jezebel, and Anne Cinnemon
- "Jesus...." < ----- NOT THE GOOD GUY CAMP
- Andy Carvel, BROOMMATE?
- Larry confronting his mysterious employer?
- Chase confronts someone.... most likely Amber
- Chase steps up to the plate
- David and Amber DO NOT KISS
- Sebastian, Amber, Chase, and Jennifer are HIDING
- "Fight, David" < ---- beforementioned zip-up scene possibly
- the Coronation again
- Chase tries to tell David something important before he does something stupid
- Jennifer is awesome
- DAVID'S EX (without brown hair, so that crosses her off the list)
- The ghost could be Grizzly Man, or could be Mint
- I'm guessing Chase lays down the law.... the Swambler law
- "Scary girl" < ---- okay, it most definitely is Anne Cinnemon
- Mint as the flag is great

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

Mint cannot die. He is too cool... in a... do nothing just stand there shyly sort of way and sings about day spas. So I say... Andy Corvell will die. Because I really have no insight into this show... seriously though any serious logical attempt to analyse the show and where it'll go... is pointless you only need to watch one episode to see this show goes seriously strange and random places so any guess based on whats happened so far or any predictability is completely made up in your head so the only way to address whats coming up is with an open mind... a spare 9 minutes... and no expectations of anything realistic happening.

... that's why i guessed the first name that came to mind. Because that way any guess I have doesnt have any embarrassment attached to it if im terribly... terribly wrong...

oh no! Andy corvell KILLED AMBER!? who would've thunk it? :O

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercrazybilby

Stan Marley could be the one who dies. He could go out in a blaze of glory. It would be great publicity! He would love that.

Either him or Claudio or Humphrey (only ONE of them)?

And I also predict that there will be some stealthy, yet cool and effective split-screen action going on in the wider establishing shots!

Sure, it's not a STORY prediction, but still...

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobb

Claudio OR Humphrey would be maybe the funniest one. turns out they WEREN'T the same person after all, david!

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

I don't know who's under the sheet, but the sheet itself looks awfully familiar.

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDuane

Upon further viewing...

It can't be Chase who dies--he's also in the background as the hatch is closed on the body.

Brian, it IS Chase's voice narrating--but he's done that before ("Last time, on Break a Leg...)

David is clearly the solution. The line "he writes a new life for a King..." and David placing the (paper--awesome) crown on the dead body indicates that David has a sentimental/emotional attachment to the person who dies. This is not a random, one-episode-only character. Unless David got locked in a room with her/it/him.

It also means that the dead person, the "king", is someone David respects. That should narrow it down, but actually, I think it rules everyone out...

They're revolting against GFC but I don't think he's in the episode. I don't see him in the teaser and I bet he sent kids to do his dirty work. Jimmy also seems to have rallied up some kids.

My (new) guess: as the epic battle between child army and child army is ABOUT to begin, David comes running onto the scene, screaming "I have a script! I HAVE A SCRIIIIIIPT!!!" (as per the "he writes a new life" line)

He will then sit all the children down, and he will read to them (with voices, David!) the script he wrote with the alternate ending to this feud.

Soothed, CAG will hug and make up, and David will be the hero.

As for who dies... would BaL go on without Mint? He was abducted once by CAG, was he not? Whoever it is, I say Larry shoots him, by accident.

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFemke

If Mint dies, I quit life.

Same goes for Jimmy.

Who's with me?

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSt. Anna Swambler

i'm with you anna.

as for the! some of them are really good. i'd feel bad if we figure something out.

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

I think I'm going to die... from waiting another month until I get to view the broommation I animated during the entirety of my most recent Saturday!

Break A Leg works me to the animated bone and requires that I make sure every 1/24th of a second looks as stellar as their hearts crave. What's the deal with the inverse proportion to the perfection I give them and profit I earn from this show?

I demand street cred. Word to your street mother, yo.

Who's Chase? Why does everybody want him to die?

June 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Carl Cohen do you not know who Chase is?
I'm just currious.

June 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristian Shelton

alright, there have been some great predictions in here. how about what you would WANT to happen in the season finale. should david and amber complete the head-tilty move? should grownup gary coleman be taken down, or is he a good villain? what do you want from these people?!?!

June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

Adam stop spreading your hateful hateful lies, we pay you with love and letting you sit in our amazing kitchen for 8 hours, that should be plenty.


June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDashiell

I would feel like if the head tilty thing came to fruition, it would seem to much like a series finale and I can't give up hope that way.

Kind of like how Mal and Inara never actually express their feelings for one another.

Kind of like that.

June 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSt. Anna Swambler

Our fan-base and Firefly's seems to have 100% overlap. Imagine a Venn diagram that's just one circle with two labels, "Break A Leg Fan" and "Firefly Fan".

Excellent speculation here, really fun to read. Some of you have me convinced, and I might have read the script at one point. Maybe. I really just skim looking for my scenes, then skim those.

If this were a giant game of Mastermind, there would be black pegs and white pegs all over the place. I'm not sure how you actually play Mastermind, but I know that means some answers are right and some are wrong.

June 12, 2008 | Registered CommenterJimmy Scotch

Just like in life, Jimmy. Just like in life...

June 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFemke

If you pause it at 30 seconds, the dead guy kinda really looks like Jimmy/Larry. Kinda.

Maybe the scenes aren't in chronological order??

June 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSimona

Mastermind is the greatest game ever conceived.

Pegs galore!

June 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSt. Anna Swambler

i'm so ready for this episode. SO READY.

July 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKevin